Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just got done yelling at my offspring

Yeah, so maybe my beautifully sometimes-bratty kids deserved a good yelling, I don't yell at them and not get mad for a made up reason.  But now here I am feeling down about it and down on myself, again.  It all started because they couldn't get it together and get there chores done.  Yes, I give them chores, and more than just clean your room and brush your teeth.  I almost have two teenage sons, heck yes, they have chores.  So the fight between the three of them escalated (who's going to wash the dishes, who's going to put them in the dishwasher, who's going to vacuum, blah, blah, blah.)  And then something in me just clicked and BOOM, I was amongst this argument dictating who's going to do what and sending my poor dog off and away with his tail tucked under his body, he hates any noises, some guard dog, huh?  I hate to yell and really it doesn't do any good.  I don't scare my kids.  My sons are taller than me.  So, now it's quiet in the house, everyone doing as they should and I have to ask myself, was that really necessary?  Did I just ruin a perfectly good day, should I have let them take care of this crap themselves?  Why when Dad is here is this never an issue?  Can't I be scary like Dad?
And the big picture ... is there some underlying issue with me flying off the handle so quick?  Yeah, kids will be kids and parents need to be parents, so I will discipline and do what needs to be done Mommy-Style, just hate when this Mommy gets loud.  I think it's time for a nice walk with the dog.  They get to stay here and work together and pick up their bad attitudes, should've just done this before I screwed my mood.


  1. So that's what I have to look forward to when my little guy is bigger? LOL He already makes me crazy some nights and I think he's already throwing baby temper tantrums. Fun stuff!


  2. They learn quick :) ... I believe a lot my parental stress comes from having my three so close in age. I wouldn't change it, but sibling rivalry is tiring!!
