Miss me? I hope to finally be done with this on-again-off-again love affair of blogging. I don't know what's my deal. When I find the time I read so many other blogs and the craftiness of others blogs puts my little Truly-Trying page to shame. Lately I feel the cobwebs of my creativity nestled all throughout my brain. I am trying to dust them out of there, asking my big brain to please do some head-cleaning and wake the flip up and start thinking!
So, I am ending my weekend, gearing up for my Monday, yay for tomorrow. I want to share a little thought I had from the other day at work. Who do you buy your shoes for? Seriously weird question, right? In the break room last week I complimented a co-worker's darling shoes. She says to me, "Thank you! You're like the tenth person today to notice. Just waiting for my boyfriend to notice them." At first I thought she meant maybe the man might notice the price tag or the bill of these hot-rod shoes, but after a little more conversation I understood she bought those shoes in hopes the man would love them. My thought: "HUH?" Yes, I have a good man, he compliments me and does all sorts of nice, romantic stuff, but I don't think he ever complimented my shoes. He could probably care less if I am wearing a rockin' dress with tennis shoes or 6-inch-heels. So, my lady friends, I ask, for the love of shoes, who do you buy them for?
I think deep down we buy them for the compliments of our fellow ladies. If I happen to be at our local coffee shop and see you cruisin' through the door strutting in some majorly cute feet covers, I am so going to give you a shout out and tell you how cute your shoes are, or your purse or your shirt ... you get the idea. But I wonder, how many men will do the same?
Oh, for the love shoes ... here's a few loves ...